《派特的幸福劇本》(Silver Linings Playbook )其實看起來並不幸福,而是在各種壓力下的情緒失控與精神錯亂,究竟是誰有病誰沒病,不能只看有沒有吃精神病藥來判斷。

片名中的sliver lining是諺語:Every cloud has a silver lining 指的是被烏雲遮蔽的陽光,自雲層邊緣透出銀色亮光。四字以蔽之~撥雲見日!

我覺得這部片和《當幸福來敲門》(The Pursuit of Happyness)很類似,不幸福的父子倆,不斷的追追追跑跑跑,在無數的辛苦與挫折之後,追到他們所認為的幸福。


Every cloud has a silver lining means that you should never feel hopeless because difficult times always lead to better days.

Difficult times are like dark clouds that pass overhead and block the sun. When we look more closely at the edges of every cloud we can see the sun shining there like a silver lining.

Every cloud has a silver lining means that the sun shining at the edges of every cloud reminds us that every difficult situation has a bright side.
有一首歌就叫 Look for the silver lining

Look for the silver lining
Whenever a cloud appears in the blue
Remember, somewhere the sun is shining
And so the right thing to do is make it shine for you

A heart, full of joy and gladness
Will always banish sadness and strife
So always look for the silver lining
And try to find the sunny side of life











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